Joining Millions of Strings in R

Is there a fast way to join millions of string in R?

Gennaro Calendo


July 22, 2023

I recently had to concatenate tens of millions of strings into a single column of strings. I was surprised when even my data.table code, which was something like dt[, Location := paste(chr, start, sep = "-")], was taking minutes.

So then, what is the fastest way to combine a bunch of strings?

Since I really care about this in the context of genetic data I’ll simulate strings from “Chromosomes” and “Start positions” and concatenate them into a single “Loci”. e.g. “chr1-45678”

The Candidates

Like most things in R there are a bunch of ways to complete the same task. The approaches below are a few that I could think of:

  • paste: base function for concatenating strings
  • paste0: base function for concatenating strings (paste(..., sep="")
  • sprintf: base function for C-style sprintf character formatting of strings
  • stringi::stri_c: stringi function for combining multiple character vectors
  • stringr::str_c: stringr function that wraps stringi but conforms to tidyverse recycling and NA rules
  • glue::glue: String interpolation. Has to be converted to a vector after interpolation.

Create some test strings

Let’s make 1 million “chromosome-start” strings to simulate a realistic test set size.


N <- 1e6
chroms <- sample(
  paste0("chr", as.character(1:22, "X", "Y")),
  size = N, replace = TRUE
starts <- as.character(, size = N, replace = TRUE))

Time it!

The code below times the execution of each of the string joining expressions 30 times. Since glue has to be converted to a character vector after interpolation, I created a second expression without the coercion to see how much that affects the timing. It is for this reason that the check argument is set to FALSE.

# Run the benchmark
results <- bench::mark(
  "paste" = paste(chroms, starts, sep = "-"),
  "paste0" = paste0(chroms, "-", starts),
  "sprintf" = sprintf("%s%s%s", chroms, "-", starts),
  "stri_c" = stri_c(chroms, starts, sep = "-"),
  "str_c" = str_c(chroms, starts, sep = "-"),
  "glue" = as.character(glue("{chroms}-{starts}")),
  "glue2" = glue("{chroms}-{starts}"),
  check = FALSE,
  memory = TRUE,
  min_time = Inf,
  max_iterations = 30

# Plot the results
autoplot(results) +
    title = "Execution Time for Joining 1 Million Element Vectors",
    x = "Time",
    y = "Function"
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 16),
    legend.position = "bottom"
Loading required namespace: tidyr

It looks like the clear winners are stringi::stri_c and stringr::str_c. This makes sense. What was surprising is that paste0 performs worse than paste with sep="-".

There’s one, somewhat hacky, solution I wanted to test. What if we were to instead write the data out as a file where the vectors are concatenated with “-” as a delimiter and then read this concatenated file back in as a single column?

data.table::fwrite & data.table::fread

Assuming more threads makes this faster(?) I’ll max out all 8 cores on my machine. Also, I doubt that this specific example will be faster on only 1 million elements so I’ll bump up the number of elements to 100 million and see how it compares against the fastest function from above.

setDTthreads(percent = 100)

dt <- data.table(
  Chromosome = sample(paste0("chr", as.character(1:22, "X", "Y")),
    size = 1e8, replace = TRUE
  Start = as.character(, size = 1e8, replace = TRUE))

Write the data out using fwrite(..., sep="-") to concatenate the columns and then read them back in as a single concatenated column with fread

  fwrite(dt, file = "test.txt", sep = "-", col.names = FALSE)
  fread("test.txt", col.names = "chr_start")
   user  system elapsed 
 57.580   1.586  34.265 

And how does this compare to concatenating with stri_c

system.time(dt[, chr_start := stri_c(Chromosome, Start, sep="-")])
   user  system elapsed 
 36.670   1.280  37.952 

It looks kinda crazy but maybe if you have enough space to spare and a lot of threads to throw at it then the ‘hacky’ solution might be a fast alternative for extremely large string concatenations; although the difference may not be large enough to to really matter too much in the end.